Digital Detox: Taking Time to Unplug

Cindy Seo
2 min readApr 17, 2021

These days, most of people have smartphones or laptop to use internet. They are really used to using the Internet and often use it. It was easy to see that I was also addicted to smartphones. When I meet my friends and chat with them, when I eat, or when I study, I usually keep my phone next to me and check messages or Facebook and Instagram notifications. Also, if I don’t have a phone in my pocket or hand when I go somewhere, I feel uneasy thinking if I lost my phone. All of these situations tell me that I am definitely addicted to smartphones or Internet.

Photo by Benjaminrobyn Jespersen on Unsplash

Therefore, I thought that digital detox is really necessary for me or many people who are addicted to smartphones. According to the article, “What’s all this fuss about “digital detox” — and does it really work” it tells few ways about the digital detox. Some of those were they way I used before. I tried “30-day cleanse” before during the exam period. I felt really stressed because I could not concentrate on studying because of using smartphone. Therefore, I tried to use an application which helps me not to touch the smartphone. If I set up that I would not use my cell phone for an hour, if I turn on my cell phone for that hour, I would fail the mission and if I succeed, I would get compensation and build my own forest on the app. Using this app, I continued to study in this way, which made me feel proud and helped me study a lot.

I sometimes use this application during the period which is really important to me. However, I believe it can be further way from cell phone addiction.

